ChromaWay Advancing to Phase 2A of the EU Blockchain PCP

ChromaWay AB is one of five contractors selected for Phase 2A of the European Blockchain Pre-Commercial Procurement

The European Blockchain Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) aims to test which new solutions could bring the most promising improvements to future versions of the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI). EBSI aims to deliver EU-wide cross-border public services using blockchain technology with the highest standards of security and privacy. The second prototype and lab testing phase of the EU blockchain PCP saw the field narrowed down to five remaining contractors, from the seven who participated in the first solution design phase.

Phase 2A officially launched on December 20, 2021 and will run until late June 2022. By then the five remaining contractors are deemed to have shown prototypes with enough potential to be further developed and field tested in Phase 2B.

The original seven candidates were narrowed down from a field of 35 applicants. Contractors were selected based on their ability to provide scalability, throughput, interoperability, security, energy efficiency, and robustness. ChromaWay AB’s relational blockchain technologies make it a strong contender, due to its dynamically scaling design, dual focus on both Layer-1 and Layer-2 solutions, and greatly enhanced data handling capabilities compared to traditional blockchains.

solution, security, privacy

The Scope of the EU Blockchain PCP

According to the EU’s official announcement, the initiative’s primary goal is to procure the development of novel blockchain or distributed ledger based solutions and test if these could enable future versions of EBSI to deliver cross-border services within the European Union with higher scalability, energy efficiency, security and privacy. Use cases cited for EBSI include logistics, object identification/tracking, digital records, and task automation. During the PCP, new use cases will be tested that implement the digital product passport and EU wide IPR management.

During the summer, the phased program will enter the 12 month long Phase 2B, the final and longest phase of the program. Keep an eye on the ChromaWay blog later this year for further updates regarding the EBSI.

relational blockchain, rbn, ecosystem, dApp, Chromia

Our Solution - RBN Ecosystem

RBN is a relational blockchain ecosystem built with the robust Chromia technology, designed with a focus on interoperability, security, decentralisation and scalability. Our Nebula Architecture in comparison to the Chromia Platform has its own infrastructure and network which allows for its own governance. A network that connects to the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI), 

ChromaWay acts as an infrastructure provider to oversee the efficiency and technical well-being of the whole ecosystem. Here is what Henrik Hjelte, the CEO of ChromaWay thinks the RBN solution:

“Our Relational Blockchain Nebula, or RBN, is the culmination of several years of enterprise blockchain experience. We are confident in our ability to deliver the technology that can power the ongoing transition to a future that is more efficient, transparent, and decentralized.” — Henrik Hjelte, CEO of ChromaWay.

RBN's value proposition is multifaceted, focusing on offering an innovative blockchain solution that effectively combines the strengths of blockchain technology's immutable and decentralised nature with the efficiency and flexibility of relational databases. This unique combination provides a robust solution for developing decentralised applications (dApps) that are transparent and reliable.


How ChromaWay’s RBN is Preparing for a Greener EU


ChromaWays RBN Selected to Participate in EU Blockchain PCP