Relational Blockchain Nebula - Node Clusters


Fusion between a relational database and blockchain technology.

By combining the strengths of blockchain technology's immutable and decentralized nature with the efficiency and flexibility of relational databases. RBN provides a robust infrastructure for developing and hosting decentralized applications (Dapps) that integrate with EBSI.

Built with

Our Nebula Architecture is a relational blockchain built with Chromia Technology. Enabling us to deliver faster development speeds with customizable fee structures and scalability.

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Nebula Architecture

Our Technology - Power to the Future

RBN's relational blockchain technology offers enterprises and public actors a unique opportunity to harness the power of relational blockchain technology.

Our unique combination of affordability, speed, scalability, and sustainability sets us apart from the competition, enabling users to take control of their data and assets. We are committed to empowering our partners by providing a collaborative and transparent solution that emphasizes trust.

Core Features

  • RBN ensures scalability at both network and dapp levels. Our network scales vertically with enhanced computational power and horizontally through additional nodes for seamless operation. For dapps with high data demands, we utilize sharding, distributing data across multiple blockchains for optimal performance.

  • Transparency is at the heart of RBN. We offer clear and verifiable transaction trails, ensuring all stakeholders can trust and verify the integrity of the data and processes within the blockchain.

  • With post quantum encryption and robust protocols, RBN prioritizes the security of your data. Our platform safeguards against unauthorized access and ensures the integrity of your information, offering peace of mind in every transaction

  • RBN is built for practical interoperability, facilitating integration with other blockchain systems and compliance with EU frameworks like ESSIF. Our platform supports seamless cross-chain interactions, ensuring effective collaboration within diverse blockchain environments.

  • RBN's platform stands out for its exceptional customizability, particularly in transaction fee structures. Our dapps offer flexibility in determining who bears the cost of transactions - it can be the dapp owners or the end-users themselves. This customizable approach enables seamless transactions, ensuring an unhindered user experience. By catering to different business models and user preferences, RBN creates a more adaptable and user-centric blockchain environment.

  • With Chromias relational blockchain framework and its Rell language, we achieve rapid development speeds and an enhanced user experience. Thanks to relational databases, our platform efficiently handles large datasets in real-time. Rell development is not just easy but also highly intuitive, catering to both seasoned and novice developers alike.

  • RBN is dedicated to advancing sustainability in the blockchain sector. Our platform utilizes energy-efficient consensus mechanisms and embraces sustainable practices, aligning with global green initiatives. Beyond technological sustainability, our goal is to cultivate an ecosystem where the solutions our dapps provide contribute significantly to a sustainable and equitable future. We believe in technology that not only performs efficiently but also drives positive change, supporting environmental responsibility and fostering equitable outcomes across industries.

  • Experience blockchain technology without prohibitive costs. RBN offers an affordable solution, reducing operational expenses without compromising on quality, making advanced blockchain accessible to all.

  • RBN utilizes Chromia's unique eBFT consensus protocol, a cornerstone of our innovative blockchain network. This protocol orchestrates a process where transactions are methodically organized into blocks by a primary node and validated across our peer-to-peer network. eBFT sets itself apart with exceptional energy efficiency, reducing the typical energy expenditure of blockchain operations through optimized data communication. Each transaction is secured with digital signatures, ensuring integrity and trust while maintaining swift processing speeds.

    The concept of 'Clusters' in RBN's consensus mechanism further refines our network organization. These are groups of interconnected nodes, functioning as specialized units for more focused and efficient intra-cluster communication. This structure enhances resource management and operational effectiveness, enabling the RBN network to scale gracefully and manage growth without compromising performance. RBN's commitment to a sustainable, secure, and efficient blockchain experience is embodied in its advanced consensus mechanism.

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