Designing a Secure Blockchain Solution with RBN

ChromaWay is currently developing and demonstrating the ability of Relational Blockchain Nebula (RBN) to drive future blockchain adoption within the European Union.

When you interact with any centralized service you are trusting that service to act honestly, to protect information, to provide accurate records, and so on. The promise of decentralized systems is the ability to remove as much trust from the system as possible by providing a set of parameters that all network participants must agree to. Participants no longer need to rely on so-called trusted third parties or authorities for the security of the system. Instead they can rely on the strong cryptographic algorithms and protocols that are the cornerstone of blockchain technology.

RBN seeks to build these core ideas into a platform that can host critical infrastructure applications for use across the European Union. Such an ambitious goal raises several very difficult questions: How can data within the system be properly safeguarded? Who gets to decide which transactions are valid, and how? How can the system adapt to remain viable in the long run? We ask questions like these everyday and work toward creating solutions.

When building applications that deal with valuable data, security is a top priority. It is critical to ensure that data remains secure and available 24/7. Blockchains are ideal for the secure storage of data, due to their immutable nature. When a transaction is recorded, it creates a permanent record that can never be altered. Once data is stored on RBN, our Byzantine Fault Tolerant model ensures that the blockchain remains online under extreme stress. Even if one third of the network nodes become unreachable, the system will still continue to function as normal with no compromise to operational security.

security, technology, data, blockchain

Information security consists of confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. When data is stored on a blockchain, its integrity is very well protected. Any data on the blockchain is immutable, or otherwise the blockchain cannot be validated. The same applies to the availability of the data. Data stored on RBN is made available by a large number of nodes in a Byzantine fault tolerant way. That means that even if a third of the nodes crash or become unreachable, the blockchain will still continue to function as normal.

In any decentralized consensus model, it is imperative that a small number of network validators cannot collude to falsify data or transactions on the network. RBN addresses these concerns with a robust governance framework that ensures majority or supermajority consensus depending on the parameters of the application. The system also makes allowances for secondary nodes that can monitor and index transactions and report any anomalous or suspicious activity from a given validator node.

future, sustainability, eco-friendly, solution

ChromaWay supports the philosophy that common standards should be applied to user privacy and the overall security of critical technological infrastructure. By continuously anticipating and adapting to risk, we will ensure that RBN remains a viable solution for years to come.

Builders of tomorrow’s blockchain infrastructure must take a proactive approach to ensure that the next generation of platforms remain secure while becoming increasingly feature-rich, scalable and energy efficient. We believe that Relational Blockchain Nebula is the system that can optimize all of these parameters to address real problems in the real world.

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Streamlining Intellectual Property in the EU


How ChromaWay’s RBN is Preparing for a Greener EU